Community Announcements

  • Annual Survey Time!

    Hello everyone!

    It’s annual survey time again! Please complete the short survey at the link below and let us know how the chapter can best serve your needs.

    All respondents who include their name and email will be entered into a drawing for a $25 gas card. Please submit your feedback by end of day on May 29th.

    2020 has certainly been a wild ride! One benefit of the COVID19 pandemic is that it has highlighted a lot of areas that were ripe for improvement and further study in every part of our lives. Even before this unprecedented global crisis arrived, our chapter board had been giving a lot of thought to what our purpose was and how we could best deliver value to our members and community.

    The IMA aims to be the leading resource for developing, certifying, connecting, and supporting the world’s best accountants and financial professionals in business. Chapters and Councils exist to promote networking and educational events in the local area.

    What does that mean in the current environment? The world is constantly changing, at an accelerating rate. Our workforce is evolving as the generational make up shifts and priorities and preferences are reevaluated. Technology is connecting us and providing an enormous amount of opportunity and choice in how we learn and interact. Time is a precious commodity and so many activities compete for the same limited number of hours in each day. Where does that leave the role of local chapters?
    Over the past few years we’ve observed a striking decline in meeting attendance, member engagement, and overall chapter participation. This trend indicates that our current chapter event offerings may not be serving the needs of our membership. This is why we solicit feedback from our membership each year in the form of an annual survey: What type of networking and CPE offerings are you interested in? What fits best into the host of other commitments you have? How can the chapter support your active participation in the organization?

    Please complete the short survey at the link below and let us know what matters to you. The chapter exists solely to support local membership development and we’d love to put together a 2020-2021 program that inspires renewed interest and engagement in our community of finance professionals, students, and educators. More